
  1. At the foot of the hill, there’s a garden, ____ owner seated there, playing chess with his guest.
  2. Like human beings, birds find their ways ____ (use) the sun and stars.
  3. The man seemed fairly talented, ____ he was a little dirty. They suggested him a shower first.
    The man seemed fairly talented, ____ he was a little dirty. He was just what they wanted.
    The man seemed fairly talented, ____ he was a little dirty. I told him that our thoughts create our reality, and I suggested that he not give up and think in a positive way.
  4. The dog may be a good companion for the old. ____, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage. (2012年高考天津卷第4题)
    ____ the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage, the dog may be a good companion for the old.
  5. At last, the door of the office opened. The interviewee who had gone in an hour ____ came out, looking very pleased with herself.
  6. The book explains how animals and plants develop ____ the environmental changes.
    The book explains how animals and plants develop ____ the environment changes.
  7. ____ more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth are being washed away.
  8. Since the beginning of history, people have been using rivers for transportation. ____ transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops and chances for fun.
  9. ____ Elias, most black people in South Africa had little education and was worried about whether he would become out of work.
  10. Things ____ glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.
  11. -Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?
    -Of course. I have. It was in our village ____ it was made. (2011重庆卷)
  12. -Where did you get to know her?
    -It was on the farm ____ we worked.
  13. -I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.
    -That’s ____ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life.
  14. -I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.
    -That’s ____ I don’t agree with. You should have a more active life.
  15. It must be hard for her, ____ (bring) up four children on her own.(牛津词典)
     It must be hard for her ____ (bring) up four children on her own.
  16. They rushed to the booking office but ____ (find) that all the tickets had been sold out.
     They rushed to the booking office only ____ (find) that all the tickets had been sold out.
  17. With nothing to do that night but ____ (wait), we went to sleep. (FORBES)
  18. Everyone should be able to do what they can ____ (make) their company bigger.(人教社必修一P73)
  19. I got to the office earlier that day, ____ (catch) the 7:30 train from Paddington. (2013年高考全国卷II)
  20. Recently a survey ____ (compare) prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.
  21. Active people are always looking forward to ____ (give) advice, while passive people are always looking forward to ____ (give) advice.
  22. This is the best way I have thought of ____ (solve) the problem.
  23. ____ (oppose) the plan, he came up with a new one.
     ____ (oppose) to the plan, he came up with a new one.
     ____ (oppose) to the plan makes him disliked by everyone.
  24. We have now reached the stage ____ I can give you more details. (NPR)
  25. Russia, France and the US are suggesting a first stage ____ would involve the withdrawal of Armenian forces.(BBC)
  26. The key to ____ (overcome) this problem is to believe in yourself.(2012年高考福建卷短文填词79题)
  27. ____ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.(2013年高考江西卷30题)
     ____ one of you who breaks the window will have to pay for it.
  28. This is a place ____ has become an established battleground over centuries. (BBC)
  29. Is there a cinema around ____ I can see a movie?
  30. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table ____ (lay) for a meal to be cooked.
     The living room is clean and tidy, and a dining table ____ (lay) for a meal to be cooked.
  31. -Has Mr. Gilbert completed the report? -I don’t know, but I saw he ____ (write) it yesterday morning.
     -Has Mr. Gilbert completed the report? -I don’t know, but I saw him ____ (write) it yesterday morning.
  32. It’s good news ____ there are still many things to do to ensure the Indian tiger has a successful future.
  33. It was April 29, 2011 ____ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.(2011年高考福建卷)
     It was on April 29, 2011 ____ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.
  34. China’s approach to ____ (protect) its environment while feeding its citizens offers useful lessons for food policy makers worldwide.
  35. The decision ____ (make), what is to be done now is how to carry it out.
  36. It ____ (be) Sunday, many people go to the gymnasium to do physical exercises.
  37. -Did he know that 3 days ____?
    -No, he said he had known that several months ____.
  38. Some perfect films ____ (produce) in the world during the past years.
  39. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could ____ (admit) to a good college.
  40. He ran as fast as he could ____ (hope) to catch the early bus.
  41. He spent every minute he had ____ (practise) spoken English.
  42. He devoted every minute he had to ____ (practise) spoken English.
  43. He knows nothing about it, so he can’t help ____ (do) any of your work.
  44. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ____ (persuade/talk) into buying something they don’t really need.
  45. All her time ____ (devote) to experiments, she has no time for films.
  46. All the preparations for the project ____ (complete), we’re ready to start.
  47. Such ____ (be) the case, I couldn’t help but give in to him.
  48. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not ____ (make) it more difficult.
  49. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ (tie) behind his back.
  50. -Do you have anything more ____ (type), sir?
    -No. You can have a rest or do something else.
  51. She took her son, ran out of the house, ____ (put) him in the car and drove quickly to the nearest doctor’s office.
  52. I got out of the taxi, ____ (pay) the fare and dashed into the station.
  53. Hearing the news, he rushed out, ____ (leave) the book ____ (lie) open on the table and disappeared into the distance.
  54. The old professor told us every part of the materials should be made use of ____ (build) the power station.
  55. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ (carry) out the next year.
  56. Who did the boss make ____ (wash) his car this time?
  57. You can never imagine what great difficulty I had ____ (find) your house all by myself.
  58. The theory he sticks to ____ (prove) to be of no use in our studies.
  59. Nothing that he suggested ____ (prove) to be of any use.
  60. _____ (follow) the road round to the right and you’ll find his house.
     _____ (follow) the road round to the right, you’ll find his house.
  61. _____ (put) your hand over your mouth when you cough.
  62. He looked around and caught a man _____ (put) his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
  63. I would love _____ (go) to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
  64. Robert is said ______ (study) abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.
  65. Robert is said ______ (study) abroad, but I don’t know what country he studies in.
  66. The discovery of new evidence led to the thief ____ (arrest).
  67. He was reading his book, completely _______ (lose) to the world.
  68. Though ________ (lack) money, his parents managed to send him to university.
  69. Tony was very unhappy for _______ (not invite) to the party.
  70. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _______ (speak) to.
  71. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person to send it ____.
  72. _______ (give) time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.
  73. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ____ (remain) 20 dollars.
  74. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the 20 dollars ____ (leave).
  75. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ (see) whether they will enjoy it. 
  76. Her forehead _____ (feel) hot. I’m afraid she is ill.
  77. The story of his life _____ (sound) interesting.
  78. If time ____ (permit), I’ll come after the meeting.
  79. Time ____ (permit), I’ll come after the meeting.
  80. He kept a little notebook, in which ______ (keep) the names and addresses of his friends.
  81. If you want to sell your product you must _____ it.  
    A. advertise    B. advertise for
  82. Neither of her parents wanted her to _____ him. 
    A. marry   B. marry to   C. marry with
  83. Neither of her parents wanted her to _____ him. 
    A. divorce  B. divorce to   C. divorce with
  84. How can I _____ you, Mr. Green?  
    A. contact   B. contact with   C. contact to
  85. According to the rules, students must not ______ their books during examinations.  
    A. read  B. look at
  86. They have three dogs to look after, not to ____ the cat and the bird.  
    A. mention  B. say
  87. -Do your parents agree to your doing that? 
    -Yes, of course. In fact, they always ______ me to try something new.
    A. hope     B. suggest   C. encourage
  88. Nowadays everyone hopes to ______ a good education so as to get a good job in the future. 
    A. receive   B. accept
  89. Wearing dark glasses can _______ your eyes from the sun.  
    A. protect  B. prevent
  90. Mr. Smith was in great need of money, so he ____ $2 000 for his car.  
    A. paid  B. took C. offer
  91. There are many new types of cars to choose _____, but I don’t know which to choose.
  92. -We have sent out two best players to the sports meet. What about you? 
    -Well, not yet. We have few ____, I’d say.  
    A. chosen  B. to choose  C. to choose from
  93. When she came several days later, she found that all things still ____ where she had ____ them.     
    A. lay; laid            B. laid; laid
    C. lay; lain            D. lying; lain
  94. He _____ (pay) a visit to the factory and was warmly _____ (welcome) by the workers there.
  95. We’re so busy that no one in the office can _____ (spare) for any other work.
  96. -Do you know that Jack ______ a postman for about six years? 
    -Yes, I see.  
    A. has become   B. has been
  97. The thing that ______ (matter) is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.
  98. -Will another fifty be enough?  
    -Just twenty will ______. 
    A. work   B. do
  99. Goodbye, Mr Carter — my secretary will _____ you to the door.  
    A. lead  B. show
  100. This kind of desease can be cured, ____ (provide) it is caught early. 
  101. My worst fears were _____ when I saw what the exam questions were. 
    A. done  B. realized
  102. If you lend me a pound, it will _____ me having to go to the bank. 
    A. help  B. save
  103. They found all the lost documents ____ one. 
    A. save   B. saving
  104. He has spent little time on his lessons this term, so he _____ to fail the exam. 
    A. expects  B. hopes
  105. She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood ____ he said meant.
  106. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who ____ is.
  107. Don’t you know, my dear friend, ____ it is your money not you that she loves?
  108. Mary couldn’t make herself ____ (pay) attention to because her classmates made so much noise.
  109. Was it through Mary, ____ was working at a high school, ____ you get to know Tom?
  110. He transplanted the little tree to the garden ____ it was the best time for it.
  111. ____(除了)a broken chair, the room is empty.
  112. ____(除了)there is a broken chair, the room is empty
  113. I want to go, except ____ I’m tired.
  114. The exam went pretty well, except ____ I misread the final question.
  115. He wrote a lot of novels, none of ____ translated into a foreign language.
  116. Mr. Smith is a painter, ____ I should also like to be.
  117. After ____ seemed like hours, he came out with a bitter smile.
  118. He was so angry at all ____ she was doing ____ he walked out.
  119. -When shall we meet again?
    -Make it ____ day you like; it’s all the same to me.
  120. Few pleasures can equal ____ of a cool drink on a hot day.
  121. Shirley _____ (write) a book about China last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it.
  122. Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she ____ (have) repaired went wrong again.
  123. The news about the terrible flood in the area greatly discouraged us ____ going there for a sight-seeing.
  124. Shortly after the accident, two ____ (dozen/score) policemen were sent to the spot to keep order.
  125. Sean received cards from ____ (dozen/score) of local well-wishers.
  126. Besides Tom, ____ Crosettes have two other sons.
  127. Besides Tom, the Crosettes have two other sons, ____ of whom is interested in engineering.
  128. Besides Tom, the Crosettes have two other sons, none of ____ is interested in engineering.
  129. Besides Tom, the Crosettes have two other sons, none of ____ interested in engineering.
  130. It is a rule in his family that ____ comes home earlier should cook dinner for the family.
  131. Mrs. Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she has been told that the cloth ____ (wash) very well.
  132. Let us not waste ____ little time we have left.
  133. -What was the party like?
    -Wonderful. It is years ____ I enjoyed myself so much.
  134. ____ he does it personally, a man does not know the difficulty of anything.
  135. Don’t be angry ____ me for not having written it. I was really too busy.
  136. In those days, we had no phones, so we have to keep in touch ____ writing often.
  137. We all regarded the poor old man ____ sympathy.
  138. ____ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two.
  139. ____ has any common sense can tell the difference between the two.
  140. -Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer?
    -____ will do, but milk is the most popular with me.”
  141. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to ____.
  142. There are four bedrooms, ____ with its own bathroom.
  143. -It’s said that he is a wise leader.
    -Oh, no, he is ____ but a wise leader.
  144. He is a hard-working student, ____ who will be successful in whatever career he chooses.
  145. Some friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr and Mrs Smith without hurting the feeling of ____ but failed.
  146. Mr Ascot, headmaster of the school, refused to accept ____ of the three suggestions made by the Students’ Union.


  1. its
  2. using
  3. but, tough, though
  4. However, Though/Although
  5. before/earlier
  6. with, as
  7. With
  8. Besides
  9. like
  10. like
  11. that
  12. where
  13. where
  14. what
  15. bringing, to bring
  16. found, to find
  17. wait
  18. to make
  19. having caught
  20. comparing
  21. giving, being given
  22. to solve
  23. Opposing, Opposed, Being opposed
  24. where
  25. which
  26. overcoming
  27. Whichever, Any
  28. which/that
  29. where
  30. laid, has been laid
  31. was writing, writing
  32. that
  33. when, that
  34. protecting
  35. having been made
  36. being
  37. ago, before/earlier
  38. have been produced
  39. to be admitted
  40. hoping
  41. practising
  42. practising
  43. do/to do
  44. being persuaded/being talked
  45. devoted
  46. completed
  47. being
  48. to make
  49. tied
  50. to be typed
  51. put
  52. paid
  53. leaving…lying
  54. to build
  55. carried
  56. wash
  57. finding
  58. proves
  59. proved
  60. Follow, Following
  61. put
  62. putting
  63. to have gone
  64. to have studied
  65. to be studying
  66. being arrested
  67. lost
  68. lacking
  69. not having been invited
  70. spoken
  71. to
  72. Given
  73. remaining
  74. left
  75. to be seen
  76. feels
  77. sounds
  78. permits
  79. permitting
  80. were kept
  81. A
  82. A
  83. A
  84. A
  85. B
  86. A
  87. C
  88. A
  89. A
  90. B
  91. from
  92. C
  93. A
  94. paid, welcomed
  95. be spared
  96. B
  97. matters
  98. B
  99. B
  100. provided/providing
  101. B
  102. B
  103. A
  104. A
  105. what what
  106. it
  107. that
  108. paid
  109. who, that
  110. when
  111. Except for
  112. Except that
  113. that
  114. that
  115. them
  116. which
  117. what
  118. that, that
  119. any
  120. that
  121. was writing
  122. had had
  123. from
  124. dozen/score
  125. dozens/scores
  126. the
  127. none
  128. whom
  129. them
  130. whoever
  131. washes
  132. the
  133. since
  134. Unless
  135. with
  136. by
  137. with
  138. Anyone
  139. Whoever
  140. Either
  141. another
  142. each
  143. anything
  144. one
  145. either
  146. any
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